Happy Diwali to All

Hello All and Happy Diwali, 

It is fascinating to see fire crackers and lights all over Bur Dubai and it doesn't feel we are away from our home town in India. So many people from different emirates and far places in Dubai visit Bur Dubai specially in Diwali to see the great festival India has. I could hear fire crackers until 2.00 am in the morning and I was happy to see everyone enjoying, specially children.

Next day morning when I woke up and went to balcony, I saw few people cleaning the crackers left over and I felt these people also deserves a Happy Diwali, though it is their duty to clean but their workload increased massively. Everywhere there were burned out crackers and frankly who likes a increased workload!

Now if you think this post is about criticizing people who burst fire crackers, but no! It is a trend to blame and criticize everything on internet which I want to stay away with. On the contrary, I believe in principle of 'Live and Let Live' which means you should tolerate the opinions and behavior of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own. You cant criticize someone for behaving differently from you.

So me and my daughter went down and said Thank you for Cleaning and Sorry for the additional work, but they were really happy and wished us Happy Diwali instead. They were happy that someone noticed and appreciated the work they do. I told them if they are going to be around for some more time and they said yes as they had just started with one ground.

I quickly went to grocery store, bought some fruits, biscuits and sweets on behalf of all the people who enjoyed bursting fire crackers yesterday. Somehow I didn't feel like taking pictures of what I did, because what they do everyday for us is much more than a small act I did for them. I was more happy with the smiles :)

If you think Diwali is over and you cant do anything much now, but they are there around us, everyday cleaning our roads in morning around 6AM. If you enjoyed your Diwali, do something for them, let them believe in the goodness of people.

This was indeed a Happy Diwali for me.


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